Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Do Something!

Jimmy's mother called out to him at seven in the morning, "Jimmy, get up!' It's time for school!" There was no answer. She called again, this time more loudly, "Jimmy, get up right now!" Once more there was no answer. Exasperated, she went to his room and shook him,saying, "Jimmy, it's time to get ready for school."

He answered, "Mother, I'm not going to school There are fifteen hundred kids at the school and every one of them hates me. I'm not going to school!"

"Go to school!" she replied sharply.

"But, Mother, all the teachers hate me too. I saw three of them talking the other day and one of them was pointing his finger at me. I know they all hate me, so I'm not going to school!" Jimmy answered.

"Go to school!" his mother demanded again.

"But, Mother, I don't understand it. Why would you want to put me through all that torture and suffering?" he protested.

"jimmy, for 2 good reasons," she fired back. "First, you're 42 yeas old. Second, you're the principal!"

There are few of us who, on some days, have not felt like Jimmy. We just don't want to go to school. That school, of course, is life itself, where dropping out or playing hooky can seem a much better idea than facing the challenges that inevitably lie ahead. Success begins the moment we understand that life is about beginning.

Start where you are. You can only start with what you have, not with what you don't have. Opportunity is always where you are, never where you were. To get anywhere, you must launch out for somewhere or you will get nowhere.Each of us has an ability to begin to create what we need from something that is already here.

We tend to underrate or overrate what we don't possess. People are always neglecting something they can do and trying to do something they can't do. The only way to learn anything thoroughly is by starting at the bottom (except when learning how to swim). To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have. The truth is that many are successful because they didn't have the advantages others had.

Do not spoil what you have by desring what you have not, but remember that what you now have was once among the things only hoped for. Almost everything comes from almost nothing. No improvement is as certain as that which proceeds from the right and timely use of what you already have. All those who arrive had to begin where they were. I'm sure you heard this phrase a thousand times 'Been there, done that!'

The truth is, you can't know what you can do until you try. The most important catalyst to reaching your dream is starting right where you are. I cannot do everything, but I definitely can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with that I can do.

Britney Spears sang in the chorus: 'I see you looking at me, like I got what you need, dare to buy me a seat, why don't you do something?' That's true. If you are solely looking at one thing without doing somethign about it, you will get nothing at the end of the day.

Be wise!